Everyone reading this blog who knows me at all knows that I love to write, I’m a Journalism graduate after all. This blog serves as a way to keep in touch yes, but it also allows me to “journal” my life, my thoughts, etc. With that said, I thought I’d document some of the things that have happened over the past 4 weeks.
I have been introduced to some really great people. My Tio has some awesome friends who I’ve had the privilege to get to know better. Every time we hang out, which is at least once a week, they are all so happy to see me and greet me with a hug and kiss. It seems minuscule, but it really means a lot to me considering they are my only “family” in this city. Most of them are quite a bit older than me, which is beneficial because they have experienced many more life lessons/NYC lessons and are always happy to share. However, since I’ve been here I’ve been hoping to meet some more people my age. Luckily, I did so last Saturday when hanging out in Brooklyn. After My Tio and I ate dinner with some friends, we all went out to a local bar with a younger crowd. A few numbers were exchanged and hopefully some friendships will develop. I’m also super excited to start my job because a lot of young and seemingly friendly people work at Patch, which is a great recipe for making friends.

Dinner & Margaritas at Arriba Arriba (A really GREAT Mexican Restaurant in NYC)
I really feel like this apartment is becoming part mine. For the first couple of weeks I felt like a guest, which is only natural because I was living out of a suitcase. After some time passed and the vacation feeling went away I became more comfortable living here, rather than visiting or just staying here. Once all of my things were organized and put away it became more real. It is starting to become routine to wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, etc. like it’s my own place. I know that sounds silly, but before it felt like I was just visiting and now when I do those little daily activities, I feel like I would in my own bedroom/bathroom in Kansas. Put simply, it’s starting to feel like home.
Contrary to popular belief, New Yorkers don’t always eat out or have food delivered (like you see in movies). I have cooked more since I’ve been here than ever before. We go out to eat about once a week and every other night we cook dinner. I actually am really starting to enjoy it. It’s kind of fun to plan dinners and try making different things. It’s sort of rewarding when we sit down to eat a delicious meal that we prepared ourselves. Now, don’t get me wrong, we don’t cook huge elaborate meals that take hours, just simple things, but it’s cooking nevertheless! Nightly dinners & glasses of wine are becoming one of my favorite things about living here!
I haven’t watched too much TV since I’ve been here, usually it’s movies, with the exception of the Bachelor.
Tangent: I was addicted all season, sad, but true! Although after another disappointment in the last person standing, I might remove the nonsense from my life because I get really pissed off. I don’t know why, it’s not like it directly affects my life. Oh, ok, who am I kidding? We all know I will be in front of the TV when next season starts in May. It is crazy women like me that keep the show’s ratings up and the show on the air. Sorry!
I do try to catch KU games when I can. I have been pretty successful considering KU has maintained a high ranking all season and games are broadcast on ESPN, however, there have been a few that are not aired in NYC and it’s really upsetting to not be able to cheer on my Jayhawks. On a good note, they obviously don’t need me to cheer them on as they do just fine without me. Actually, WAY more than fine, they ROCK! Big 12 Champs AGAIN, whoop whoop! I’m so proud. I can’t wait for the tournament…National Champions anyone!?
There have been two big snow storms since I’ve been in the city and two official snow days in which schools and some businesses closed. (First time in years NYC has had two snow days in one winter season!) During the first snow storm we didn’t really get out because it was cold and wet, but this last snow storm we decided to take advantage of Mother Nature. We bundled up Perkins and Elvis and took them for a walk/trudge in the snow. P loves it, E not so much. We both took some really great pictures of the snow, it was really pretty! By last Sunday most of the snow had been plowed or had melted and we headed to Central Park! I was super excited because before I moved here I had visited 3 different times and did all the touristy things except for CP. My Tio told me that we would need lots of energy to take a stroll through Central Park so he made us a nice big breakfast (eggs, ham, fruit, and croissants, it was delicious!) and boy was he right! I knew CP was big, but I didn’t realize just how huge. We entered the park right in front of the Plaza Hotel from Home Alone, which is actually luxury condos now, and walked for a couple of hours before stopping at The Boathouse for lunch. The Boathouse is a well-known restaurant in CP and is in a lot of movies like When Harry Met Sally. I thoroughly enjoyed walking through the park and seeing “famous” spots. The whole time I kept saying, “Oh, that’s the fountain from Hitch.” “Oh, that’s from Home Alone.” “Oh, that’s from One Fine Day.” After walking about ¼ of the park, we decided to call it a day. BTW-That’s an indication of just how big CP is, we walked for a couple of hours and didn’t even get through half of it. I was exhausted, but it was a great Sunday!

Central Park's famous Bethesda Fountain

Great view of the city from CP
Alright, this post is getting a little lengthy; I think it’s about time to wrap it up! I’ll leave you with one final “story.” I went to get my hair cut on Thursday at a Salon on the Lower East Side (the “cool” people call it The L-E-S) and afterward I was walking, shopping, exploring, etc. and I sort of paused for a moment and thought, “Is this really my life right now!?” I smiled and continued walking thinking, “Absolutely it is, and I love it!!”
Side Note: Haircuts in NYC are ridiculously expensive, like $75 on up for JUST a haircut! I spent over an hour researching salons in the area before I found one that was affordable. The stylist was fantastic, she washed, cut, and blow dried my hair straight all in an hour!

1st NYC haircut a success! (Yes, I know...I look my sisters, or so I've been told!!!)
I'm so excited that you sort of have a routine now and although that will change somewhat when you start your job, you still have an idea of what life is like. I'm glad to see that you're embracing the city and getting your cook on. Our little girl is growing up ;)
We love & miss you lots!
a whole month? wow. i think your hair looks beautiful! and in only one hour?! holllly smokes. that's fast, but i guess they say everything is faster in big cities.
i'm glad you're starting to feel like home there, too! its exciting. i can't wait for the post about this friday. you are so BA.
miss you and love you! can't wait till i can come visit/...live??? who knows!
A whole month already?!? I know you are far away but this distance is nothing compared to Spain. At least I can call and talk to you any time I want! It sounds like you've had an amazing time in NYC so far and I think it's only the beginning for your! We are so proud of you!
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