This past Friday I got a new tattoo that I absolutely love! For those of you who didn’t know, I already had 2 and they are both super meaningful to me, but this third one is even more special. I got the word “Fuerza” on my left wrist which means Strength and Power in Spanish. I got it for a couple of different reasons, but the deciding factor was the recent passing of my Abuelo. If you read my May 31st “There is no place like home” post, you already know the story of my grandfather and what an amazing person he was. You know that he was a strong and courageous man who sacrificed a lot for his family. Although he will never be forgotten tattoo or not, every time I look at it, I will think of him and what a wonderful man he was and how lucky I am to be a part of such an amazing family. As far as the placing of the tattoo, that has meaning as well. Many people have asked me why I choose to put a tattoo on my wrist of all places. While I do understand that it is a very showy or obvious place for a tattoo, I don’t really care. Here is a little anecdote to explain my reasoning: I spent many days/nights in April and May crying myself to sleep. My Abuelo had been in and out of the hospital and nursing homes since March and every time I received an update regarding his health, it didn’t seem like he was getting better. I was well aware of the fact that he wouldn’t be with us for much longer and it absolutely broke my heart that I wasn’t there during the little time he had left. I felt selfish for going on with my life in New York, while he and the rest of my family were going through so much back home in Kansas. Once he actually passed, I spent hours, many of which were on a plane, with my head in my hands crying. I had to tell myself many of times to just be strong and that I would get through this. So when I decided to get this tattoo I wanted to get it in a place where when I’m sad or upset and crying about something and my head is in my hands, I would see it and remember to have strength. So really, my tattoo has a double meaning. The word “Fuerza” is a description of my grandfather, but it’s also a reminder to myself, the emotional person that I am, to be strong because no matter what happens in life, I can and will get through it.
This past weekend was fabulous. Friday night after I got my tattoo I headed to Happy Hour at XES. As always, we enjoyed the 2 for 1 drink special. After HH we headed to Pongsri for dinner. Pongsri is a Thai restaurant that many of our friends work at. It is absolutely delicious! We had a great meal and then headed to Limmerick’s, which is a bar we frequent on Friday nights after HH. After 2 rounds of Irish Car Bombs we decided to call it a night! It was a super fun night with a diverse group of people. There were 7 of us, all from different places around the world: Australia, Germany, USA (me), Scotland, Switzerland, Thailand, and Mexico (Martin). Isn’t that bizarre? Like I mentioned before, the diversity in NYC is one of the many reasons I love it here. Saturday morning was a struggle for both my Tio and me. We were regretting those car bombs the night before, that’s for sure. We managed to get up and get ready for a BBQ at a park in Brooklyn. It was a friend of ours’ birthday so we had no choice but to deal with our hangovers the best way we know how, so we got to the park and drank more, lol. By mid-afternoon we were both doing great and enjoying a beautiful Saturday at East River State Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It was a nice park with awesome views of the Manhattan skyline. We were with many Asian people from Japan, China, Korea, and Thailand so this was no hotdog and hamburger barbeque. Instead we grilled fish, shrimp, chicken heart, Korean steak, and a variety of other things. Although I was skeptical of a few things, I tried everything and everything was delish! Overall, it was a great weekend in the city! :)

One last thing, yesterday was my dad’s 51st birthday so Happy Birthday Dad! Also, with today being Father’s Day I would like to say Happy Father’s Day to all Dads, especially the greatest of all, mi Padre! In addition to all that today is my parents’ 29th wedding anniversary so Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. You guys are wonderful role models and the reason I believe in happily ever after. And last, but not least, tomorrow, Monday, June 21 is my best friend Val’s 22nd birthday so Happy Birthday Val! I hope you have the wonderful birthday celebration that you deserve! I am sorry to all of you that I can’t be there to help celebrate all these great occasions, but just know that I’m constantly thinking about you guys. I love you all very much!
So glad that your hard work is paying off! Congrats on the raise...that's awesome! I seriously can't believe you got a new tatoo without telling anyone about it beforehand. I love it and think it's perfect. Sounds like you had a great weekend in the city! I can't wait to hear about your many more adventures!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing how well you're doing in the city. Keep shining!
I didn't tell anyone because I figured you guys would try to talk me out of it, so I kept it a secret, which was hard to do considering I tell you guys just about everything!
Lisa, I love reading your blog! Keep them coming!
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