I started the month off perfectly with a weekend visit to Kansas City for my nephew Carson’s Baptism. I got into town late Thursday night, which means I got to spend all day Friday with my mom and the 3 most adorable kids on the planet! Spending time with Jaxson, Audrina and Carson is one of my absolute favorite things to do. I can honestly say that even though I live thousands of miles away from them, I think about them every single day!
Jaxson & Audrina on Friday morning

Baby Carson greeted Aunt Lisa with smiles!
Saturday morning the whole fam headed to watch Jaxson’s soccer game in Edwardsville. This was the first game of Jaxson’s I ever got to see since I wasn’t ever in town during Tball. It was so much fun to watch him run around and kick the soccer ball. I’m not even his mother and I was unbelievably proud of that little boy.
Jax playing soccer with the Sharks

The cutest player on the team

Audrina cheering for big brother on the sidelines

Carson's Aunt Rocks! ;-)
Saturday afternoon we headed to Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Carson’s Baptism. It was so nice to welcome Carson into our faith as another member of our parish. After mass and his christening, we headed to the Bonner Springs Community Center for the reception. It was nice to sit and chat with family and friends over a meal. Everyone passed around Carson like a little doll and although a little greedy, I held him every chance I got. I didn’t want to let the little guy go. When someone would come to take him from me, I wanted to say, “You live here, he’s mine right now!” But I didn’t, of course. I did get a lot of time with him and he did so well throughout the entire day of being passed around.

Carson looking adorable in his Baptism outfit

Carson and Aunt Lisa
Saturday night we celebrated my Tio’s 40th Birthday at a Salsa Club in downtown Kansas City. There was good food, great music, and fabulous company. It was my dad’s side of the family so of course there were about 50-60 people celebrating and having fun. It was the perfect way to get an update on everyone’s lives and update them on mine. Sadly, I don’t keep in touch with everyone (can you blame me, my family is huge) so family gatherings while I’m in town work out so nicely.
My mom & me at the salsa club
Sunday my immediate family woke up and headed to the Pumpkin Patch. It was a beautiful day outside and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jaxson, Audrina and Carson (even though he slept most of the time) having fun at Kirby Farm. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and annual visits to the Pumpkin Patch are one of the reasons why.

Jax & Drina enjoying the Pumpkin Patch
Cutest scarecrow ever!

I love her faces

Most precious pumpkin in the patch
Sisters (and sleepy Carson)
Sunday after the Pumpkin Patch we headed back to Edwardsville for another one of Jaxson’s soccer games. Again, it was so fun for me to get to watch my nephew play soccer.
Jax blocking the goal
I got back to New York late Sunday night and on Monday evening, I had another visitor. Although I was tired and didn’t really have much time to adjust after my weekend trip, I was more than excited for my friend Cassie to visit. I met Cassie my sophomore year at KU as she was an exchange student from England. I was fortunate enough to get to visit her while she lived in Scotland and I was studying in Spain, but hadn’t seen her since. During her 9-day visit she did a lot of exploring on her own while I was at work and then we spent the evenings together. We also did some touristy things over the weekend that she was here, including lunch at South Street Seaport and walking over the Brooklyn Bridge.

Brooklyn Bridge
Manhattan Bridge
I can’t recall if I ever mentioned that I put together a team of co-workers and joined the NYC Social Sports Club Volleyball League. If not, I just did. We played games every Wednesday night in September and October and ended up placing 8th out of 16 teams, which really isn’t bad considering some of the players had never played volleyball in their lives. I forgot how much I love volleyball considering I hadn’t played since sand volleyball over a year ago. I really enjoyed it and it was good exercise and fun spending time with co-workers outside of the office. Not to mention, having something to do every Wednesday was nice. It beats the usual going home from work to either go to the gym, read, or watch TV.
Patch Set Hit
Another notable for the month of October (and again in November) was a work conference in the city. The October conference was right in the heart of NYC and the November conference was in San Francisco. Although these conferences were A LOT of work to prepare for and meant a lot of late hours at the office, they were really fun and it was enjoyable to see the execution a success.

Co-worker and friend Megan and me at the conference

Co-worker and friend Claudia and me enjoying the conference
October ended with a Sweet 16 party for Alex’s niece, Ashley and Halloween. Ashley’s Sweet 16 reminded me of my Quinceañera, which brought back fond memories from 8 years ago (I can’t believe it has been that long!) I didn’t really do too much for Halloween except dress up for a work party the Friday before - I was a zebra because it was easy and I already had the stuff.
Alex & Me at Ashley's Sweet 16
As you can tell, October was a busy, but great month!
I love the pic updates!
OMG, I can't believe it's been since September since you've updated. You have GOT to make time at least once every 2-3 weeks. I'm glad to "see" your presence again though.
I know, I'm a huge slacker! I am already working on my next update so my presence is looking promising! :)
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