As always, the holidays were crazy, fun and busy. Some of the highlights were:
It was the first year that I sent out my own holiday cards. I typically am included in my parents’ card, but since I’m on my own this year, I decided to go ahead and send everyone a card from NYC. I also received quite a few cards from family and friends which was really great because I love getting mail (other than bills!)
I went Christmas shopping in the city, which was quite the experience. I know shopping around the holidays is crazy no matter where you are, but shopping in the city was insane. I felt so overwhelmed and claustrophobic so I went in, got what I needed to get and got the heck out!
I watched the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting on TV and then Alex took me (and his daughter and his daughter’s friend) to see the tree a few days later. It was spectacular. I know it looks big on TV, but let me tell you, that tree is huge. It was a really fun night that started out by going to Rock Center, eating street vendor honey roasted peanuts, then was proceeded by touring the famous St. Patrick’s Cathedral and driving to Pelham Parkway to see amazing Christmas light displays.

Alex & me in front of the Rock Center Christmas Tree
The most elaborate Christmas light display I've ever seen
Nativity Scene portion of the light display
Katy and I threw a little Going Away/Holiday Party the weekend before Val left. We had snacks and drinks at the house and then headed to a local bar for a few going away shots. It was super sad to see Val go, but I’m so glad I got to spend 4 awesome months with one of my best friends in NYC. Our roomie experience is something I will never forget.
Val's Going Away / Holiday Party
Val is basically a hunk magnet! ;-)
Going Away Shot (#2 I think)
My friends Irina was in town from Switzerland!
My company holiday party, Patch the Halls, was the Tuesday before I left for holiday vacation and turned out to be a fun night. I was on the planning committee so I was doing a bit of behind the scenes stuff, but I still managed to have a good time.

Patch the Halls Holiday Party
The morning after the holiday party, we all (Blake, DJ, Val & I) woke up at 6:00am to embark on our journey back to Kansas. We met up with my Tio Martin in Jersey then headed west. This was my first ever road trip and let me tell you, after approximately 22 hours on the road, it might be my last. My Tio and I took turns driving so it honestly wasn’t too bad. I was so excited to arrive at my parents’ house, but considering it was around 3:30 in the morning, all I really wanted to do was hit the sack.
I spent my first full day back in Kansas by partaking in holiday traditions. I baked Banana Nut Bread with my mom, wrapped Christmas presents, and spent time with my family – my absolute favorite thing to do in the world!
Before I knew it, Christmas Eve was upon us and as always, the Zarate clan celebrated with brunch and opening gifts. Sitting around the table, then the fire with my Grandma, parents, sisters, brother-in-laws, niece and nephews was more special to me this year than any other year. The pics tell the story.

Jaxson & Adurina at Christmas Eve brunch

Carson rocking his new KU hat and chair

Jax & Aunt Wesa
Drina & Mina Sesa

Carson & Auntie Lisa
3 of my favorite people in the world!
I went to Christmas Eve mass with my family then we all headed to my Abuela’s. As always, we ate, drank, played games, chatted and stayed up until midnight waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. Once he did, we began opening gifts and sharing memories until the wee hours of the morning.

Cousinly love on Christmas Eve
Because my mom’s family does the Starks Holiday Party – a celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas in early December – we no longer have Christmas Day on my mom’s side of the family, which is why my Christmas day was spent resting and relaxing. I stayed home with my mom and dad watching Christmas movies and let me tell you, it was lovely. I, of course, am sad that I had to miss the Starks Holiday Party and I can’t wait to see my mom’s side of the family again in 2011.
I spent the few days after Christmas and before New Years spending time with my family and friends. I, of course, soaked up Jaxson, Audrina and Carson as much as I possibly could. I just couldn’t get enough of them so I took hundreds of pictures, proof below!

Lovable Jaxson

Princess Audrina

Sweet baby Carson
The next thing I knew, Alex was on a plane to Kansas City. I was so excited for him to meet my family and get to know more about where I come from. He was only in town for 4 full days, but let me tell you, it was go, go, go the entire time. I wanted him to see as many people and places as he possibly could in such a short time frame. He got to spend New Year’s Eve at the annual Zarate NYE bash. We had fun talking, dancing, drinking, chatting, and playing beer pong with family and friends.
Alex & I at Allen Field House - A Kansas trip must see!
Alex & I on New Year's Eve

My parents dancing on NYE - aren't they so cute!
After almost 2 weeks in Kansas, the first Sunday in January came and it was time for Alex and I to hop on a plane back to New York. It is always hard to say goodbye, but this time was really difficult. I think it was a combination of a couple of different things. 1) I visited for so long this time and got used to being home that leaving was harder. 2) As the kids get older, it is harder and harder to leave them because they understand that I’m not coming back for a while. 3) I know the longer I live in NY, the more my sisters and parents find it difficult to be without me and it breaks my heart. The good news is, I am very good about visiting so I fight the tears with the thoughts that I will be home again soon. And it’s true, my flight is already booked for a trip home in April for Easter! Having a concrete date in my mind of when I will be home again makes being gone easier for both my family and me. I am already looking forward to Spring!
Well that brings me into the New Year and I have a great feeling about what 2011 has in store. I will catch you up on January in my next post, and I promise it won’t be months from now! ;-)
OMG! I got my own tag. I am SO excited. And yeah, you won this time... but just wait til next time. Blake and I will be practicing. Glad to "catch up" on all the things I already knew!! It's like the only blogs I read are the ones I don't even need to! I still love reading though, so I'm going to say it for your sisters.... KEEP UP WITH YOUR BLOGGIN!
You finally got your own tag, it is more of a tribute really, since you're gone now! :( I think we ought to make it a tradition, when Alex and I in town we have to throw down at the lanes. It's funny that my loyal followers are all people who already know what's up, but love reading about the details from my POV. Glad you enjoy it, more incentive to keep it up! :)
The Holidays went by too fast. I love having you at home. It was so nice to meet Alex, and having him be part of our chaos and fun. I hope our family did not scare him to much. It gets harder and harder to see you leave, but now I have a 2 year and a 5 year plan,(which I have already discuss with you) and that helps.
Miss you , but I am very proud of you!
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