I totally have Spring fever as it’s one of my favorite times of the year. First of all, it’s the beginning of March Madness and being a Kansas Jayhawk, it’s always an exciting time of year. Secondly, it’s awards season and I love watching all the shows and, of course, the fashions. I spent last Sunday night watching the Oscars, but unfortunately, I wasn’t that impressed this year. It was still a nice relaxing Sunday night with Alex. Actually, it started out that way, but he left in the middle of the Oscars to catch the Knicks game. Apparently, Carmello is more important than Anne Hathaway and James Franco. Ever since Anthony came to NY, Alex has been more into the Knicks, which basically means now I have to compete with the Yankees AND the Knicks, how’s a girl supposed to get any undivided attention!? ;-) Lastly, I have Spring fever because I’m so ready for the nice warm weather. Last Sunday we had a short 1-day preview of nice weather so Alex and I took advantage by spending the afternoon before the Oscars outside, walking down the Fordham road strip mall. It kind of reminded me of Mass St. in Lawrence which made me start thinking about Kansas, which made me start thinking about my family, which made me super excited for March. In just 2 short weeks my sisters and brother-in-laws are coming to NYC to visit me and I couldn’t be more excited! I have the itinerary ready, tickets for a Broadway show and a harbor boat cruise bought, now all I need to do is clean my apartment! I plan on doing some Spring cleaning next weekend in preparation for their arrival, and let’s face it, because it needs to be done. In all honesty, I actually like Spring cleaning, it’s one of those times of year that I get motivated to clean and organize. Next week is also Alex’s birthday. It’s on Friday, March 11 and I’m hoping to take him out to dinner that night or possibly Saturday. I’m thinking a really nice Puerto Rican restaurant in Tribeca and a Yankees jersey as his gift, shhh, don’t tell! ;-) I’m not sure what else is on the agenda to celebrate his birthday, perhaps we’ll catch a movie after dinner or meet up with his friends for drinks on Saturday. Speaking of movies, this past weekend we went to see “Just Go With It” with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston as Val recommended it and rightfully so, it was hilarious! I haven’t laughed that hard at a movie in a long time (ok, well not that long, since the Hangover!) If you haven’t already, I highly suggest you go see it, you won’t be sorry.
In other news, I have been doing pretty well with my new year’s resolutions. Here is a quick update:
1. Project Get Fit – Yesterday was the completion of my 12-week training program at the YMCA. I met with my personal trainer to discuss how it went and the consensus, pretty well! In 12 weeks I lost 5 pounds and increased my strength by quite a bit. In almost every strength training exercise, I increased the amount of weight I can lift by 10 pounds and went from being able to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions to 3 sets of 12 repetitions. I also went from doing 30 minutes of cardio per Y visit, to 45-60 minutes. In the beginning, I was able to do a walk/jog combo for about 30 minutes before feeling tired. Now, I do at least 45 minutes of straight cardio only walking about 2 minutes to warm up and 3 to cool down, so it’s about 40 minutes of straight jogging without stopping. Sometimes, when I have a lot of energy, I do a full hour of cardio, something I definitely wasn’t able to do at the beginning of the program. Overall, the program helped me learn a lot about how to target specific areas of my body, which exercises to do and how to do them, and most importantly it helped me get motivated and stay that way! Just because the program is over doesn’t mean that I am, it’s really just the beginning of a healthier me!
2. Learn how to cook – I’m really proud of myself regarding this resolution. Since I’ve made it, I’ve cooked one, if not two, new meals per week. I’ve tried a few Puerto Rican recipes from Alex’s mother and a variety of other ones from family members and online and although some turned out better than others, overall, I’ve learned a lot about cooking already. I’ve also tried a few healthy recipes that are simple and delicious, one of which is baked chicken fingers and homemade baked french fries. The key here is that both are baked, not fried! I’ve also made a Weight Watchers Chicken Enchilada Casserole dish (a recipe my sister Kim’s Mother in Law gave her) that was really yummy!

The final product, they were delicious!
I know it’s only March, but I am already taking a “break” from this resolution. Not because I am giving up, but because I have made the decision to do a 1-month trial of Nutrisystem, which means instead of cooking or eating just anything, I will only be eating Nutrisystem pre-packaged meals. This diet does allow for fruit, veggie and protein additions with the occasional eating out, but for the most part, you stick to the meal plan, which hopefully will aide in my weight loss goals. With my sisters and BILs coming to town this month, I will definitely be eating out for a few days, but I am promising myself to make healthy choices while doing so. I will evaluate my progress over the month of March and let you know how it goes.
3. Read more – As much as I hate to admit it, I haven’t done so well on this resolution. I definitely still read, just not as much as I had hoped to. My weeknights pretty much go like this: Get home from work at 7, hit the gym from about 7:30-9:00pm, come home and eat dinner, take a shower, go to bed. I try to read and then go to bed, but by the time I open a book, I’m already half asleep! I tried reading on the train in the morning and after work, but because I have a slight case of vertigo, it makes me dizzy to read while moving. So this leaves the weekends, which considering I don’t spend a lot of time with Alex during the week, are spent with him as well as working out, doing laundry and cleaning. I know these are technically all excuses, but you have to admit, they are some valid ones! I am definitely going to try and work harder on this resolution in Q2 of this year.
The whole point of my resolutions is to become an overall healthier person, that means in mind, body, and spirit and I feel like I’m off to a good start. In addition to working out, eating healthier, cooking more, and reading more, I’ve also had a 1-hour full body massage and have a facial scheduled for next week. In addition, with the Lenten season approaching, I’m taking up praying on a daily basis. As much as I hate to admit it, I don’t pray each and every day like I should, so in an attempt to prepare myself for Easter and to work on the full mind-body-spirit trifecta, I’m going to take a few minutes out of my day and talk to the man upstairs.
Well, I have a volleyball game tonight so I must be going. Wish Patch, Set, Hit luck in our last game before playoffs next week! I’ll let you know how we do in my next post.
Lisa is sounds like you are doing a fantastic job with you resolutions! Keep up the great work! Oh, and awesome job on losing 5 pounds!!!!
Melissa Bosley
Girl, your life is rockin'! Working out, cooking, praying... you are becoming the ultimate woman! No, but seriously, you're doin' it up right in NYC. I'm so happy that your 12 weeks went well at the Y. I'll remember not to cross you, now that your that much stronger!! I am so jealous of your family's visit to NYC and the broadway show. You'll all love it. And wasn't Just Go With It the best?!?!? I LOVED IT! Great post... and obvs, RCJH March MADNESS!! If we win again, I'm going to try not to lose a car ;)
I'm so glad to hear that you are holding yourself accountable. Now is the time. All of these things will become second nature in no time at all and I know you'll be so happy that you decided to stick with it. Good luck on your get healthy program. I can't wait to see you in about 9 days!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
keep it up OSO! The chicken fingers look good.
Miss you and look forward to seeing you in NY this summer!
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